Our Living Legend Doug Manning celebrated his 90th birthday with a celebration dinner on Saturday night… and as always was keen to talk cricket and football, with his beloved ‘Dees’ on the march.
‘I’ve lived a long and fortunate life,’ he said. ‘I’d like to live long enough to see another Melbourne win. I can still recall sitting in the Olympic Stand watching the ‘64 Grand Final. Had Norm Smith stayed (as coach) I have no doubt they would have won one or two more.
‘He was an outstanding player and a genius as a coach.’
Doug edited the Society’s journal Scoresheet for 50 years, all on a totally honorary basis, in between his family, teaching and librarian duties.
Educated at Essendon Grammar (primary school) and Carey Grammar (secondary) Doug and his lovely wife Val were joined by their extended family at the event.
He spoke of his love of cricket and cricket books. He has seen every Melbourne Test since 1946-47 – ‘Walter Hammond’s team,’ he said.
His latest book he is reading is Invincible, the life and times of Sam Loxton.
90 not out